When releasing your brand new single or ep, you have to ensure you are going to extra mile in your pre release marketing plan. This is going to be the pivotal point of whether your release is successful or not. Its not enough to just release a song digitally and hope that people listen,
The first thing to do is figure out, why are you releasing that song? Perhaps it has a relatable meaning or its your debut? Whatever the reason make sure you are writing down your measurable goals so you can look back and know you have had a successful release. This could be to reach 5000 streams on Spotify in the first month or to be Spotify Editorial Playlisted. By having your goals written down it makes it easier for you to plan your release and know exactly what you need to do within you pre release plan. Ideally you would start the promotion 6 weeks prior to your release, by doing this in subtle ways it will ensure people are aware of your release continuously without you ambushing them every day to pre save your single!
Ensuring you have a pre save link available on your socials, is absolutely vital. This means the more pre saves you are able to get, the higher up on Spotify, Apple Music and deeper you will get on Spotify algorithms resulting in more play listing slots. It also means you will appear on your fans release radar and your follower count will increase, which again will boost the algorithms. Ensure you have updated your artist profiles and are using tools such as spotify canvas to make your release eye catching as well as a great song. Make sure you are sending your track to your distributor six weeks before to avoid any delays to stores as this could hinder your release. Dont forget the power of word of mouth, tell everyone you know you have a release coming out!
Another way to gain traction is to do a single launch or book a support slot gig on the day of your release, that way more people will be able to share this with you. It brings people together to feel part of your release, rather than just clicking a button online. This is also much more personal for you as an artist and means you can personally thank everyone for coming and downloading your song. It builds awareness and shows your progress as an artist. Write to bloggers and radio stations or use sites like Playlist Hunter and Submitt hub to find curators. The more press you can get the better and you might be able to have radio djs tell them about your gig as well as your new single which is a win win!
Lastly have fun. Releases can be stressful, but always remember why you are doing it in the first place. Look back at your goals and your reasoning for releasing and dont focus so much on the numbers. Use your meta data to create facebooks ads and appeal to your target audience, but be proud of yourself and your release.